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More string exercises:

Start with the code below and use it to create the 3 methods described.

 * HWJ3 Write a description of class MoreStringMethods here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class MoreStringMethods
    * will find the length of a given word.  
	* then it will print:  The word ______ has ___ characters. Obviously filling in blank with the approp info
    public void printLength(String word)
    * this method takes in a string and prints
    * out the last letter of the string
	* like if they put in apple as word it would print out
	* The last letter of apple is a
    public void findLast(String word)

    * This method will takes in a string and puts a "-" after the 3rd character
    public void wordSplit(String word)
     * This method will take in a string phrase and removes all characters from x to y
     * assume x and y are within the length
     * So removeLetters ("corndogs", 2,5) would print out cogs
    public void removeLetters(String phrase, int x, int y)
     * This method will take in a first and last name and a hw average and a project average and finds the grade
     * The grade is made up of 40% hw, 60% projects.  The name will be abbreviated as shown below
     * So if findGrade("Jeff", "Borland", 90, 80) would print out Student JB has a 84.0 in the class
     * The 84 is because 40%*90 + 80*.60 = 84.0
    public void findGrade(String firstName, String lastName, double hw, double project)